Rockstar Games have announced that they will be at PAX East this coming weekend (Friday April 6th through Sunday April 8th) with Max Payne 3 playable at the Rockstar Games booth (#912).
This is a great opportunity if you are in the Boston area or plan to travel to the show to get an exclusive opportunity to go hands-on with Max Payne 3 before it is released this May. Rockstar Games have also stated that they would be giving away some brand new Max Payne 3 merchandise.
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Added by: Admin |
Date: 2012-04-03
In light of some unfortunate recent retail issues in the UK and elsewhere in Europe which have affected preorder availability for the Max Payne 3 Special Edition, Rockstar Games have decided to extend the period to pre-order the Max Payne 3 Special Edition to continue all the way until game launch this May.
Fans in the UK can order the Special Edition with local retailers as well as through the Rockstar Warehouse online. For everyone else in Europe and Australia, please check with your retailer of choice for details on pre-ordering (we will also have extended Special Edition pre-order availability for EU at the Rockstar Warehouse within the month).
| Views: 706 |
Added by: Admin |
Date: 2012-04-03
More previews for Max Payne 3's Multiplayer has surfaced, this time focussing on the bullet time aspect of the game, as well as gang wars. Check out the snippets of the previews below.
"Bullet Time works beautifully, and it turns out that Shootdodging off a high platform in slow motion is a lot more fun when the guys you’re getting the drop on are other players… it’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into making Max Payne 3’s multiplayer work well while retaining the series’ flavor.”
-- GamesRadar
"Simply put, Bullet Time in multiplayer is freakin' awesome..."I have to give credit where it's due: Max Payne 3 certainly does not feature your run-of-the-mill multiplayer. Its modes are fun and varied, it features more depth and variety than most people will probably anticipate, and its gunplay is fast, frantic, and incredibly fun.”
"Fresh ideas may pave the way for the online experience of the summer... Max Payne's inability to trust his own friends in the story transfers over onto the player when they're in an online match, creating an interesting bridge across all facets of the game... Another theme that carries over between modes is that of revenge and vendettas… Vendettas occur when one player has been killed frequently by another. Once this happens, the Vendetta will form, and bonus XP perks will be rewarded to the victim if they get revenge, or on the killer if they manage to survive the Vendetta. This neat mechanic doesn't overpower the experience, but instead provides an interesting little metagame that players can engage in while still in a larger multiplayer affair." "Max Payne 3's multiplayer already looks like it has the foundations to be a major contender for your free-time this summer. Rockstar hopes that the clan-like Gangs that players form throughout the multiplayer mode provide users with a more pronounced connection to their fellow players. And given the recent news that these Gangs will seamlessly transfer over to Grand Theft Auto V via the Rockstar Games Social Club proves that they're serious when they say that they want to create a premier, community-based online arena.”
"(Gang Wars) was, without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite game mode of the pack we played. Some rounds lasted 15 minutes and some lasted under two. No one player on either team ever seemed to be the true champion, including experienced Rockstar players, and every round was as ridiculously enjoyable as the next… Every single mode was stunning though, I just think Gang Wars won my recommendation because of the sheer variety being put forward. Rockstar have definitely put their best foot forward with this flagship multiplayer mode.”
-- TheSixthAxis
Things are definitely heating up coming closer to Max Payne 3's release.
| Views: 574 |
Added by: Admin |
Date: 2012-04-03